
White-spotted Surgeonfish

(Acanthurus guttatus)

Acanthurus guttatus, commonly known as the Whitespotted surgeonfish or the Spotted surgeonfish, is a species belonging to the family Acanthuridae, which includes the surgeonfishes and tangs. Here are some key characteristics and information about Acanthurus guttatus:

  1. Appearance: Acanthurus guttatus has a distinctive appearance with a dark brown to black body and numerous small, white spots scattered across its body and fins. The spots are most concentrated towards the rear of the body and the tail fin, giving it a speckled or spotted appearance.
  2. Distribution: This species is found in the tropical Indo-Pacific region, ranging from the eastern coast of Africa (including the Red Sea) to the central Pacific Ocean, including Hawaii and the Line Islands.
  3. Habitat: Whitespotted surgeonfish typically inhabit coral reefs, where they can be found in clear lagoons and on seaward reefs. They prefer areas with rich coral growth and ample algae for grazing.
  4. Behavior: Like other surgeonfish, Acanthurus guttatus feeds primarily on algae and detritus, using its specialized mouth and teeth to scrape algae from hard surfaces such as coral and rocks.