
Randall’s Anthias

(Pseudanthias randalli)

Pseudanthias randalli is a species of reef fish belonging to the family Serranidae, commonly known as Randall’s anthias. Here are some key features and facts about Pseudanthias randalli:

  1. Appearance: Randall’s anthias typically have a striking coloration. Males are predominantly pink to reddish-orange with a yellowish dorsal fin, while females and juveniles are generally yellow to orange with a more subdued coloration compared to males. They have a slender, elongated body typical of anthias species.
  2. Size: They usually grow to a size of about 8-10 centimeters (3-4 inches) in length.
  3. Habitat: This species is found in the tropical Indo-Pacific region, particularly in areas with rich coral growth and strong currents. They inhabit coral reefs and rocky areas, often congregating in large schools above the reef.
  4. Behavior: Randall’s anthias are diurnal and feed primarily on zooplankton and small invertebrates. They are known for forming large shoals or aggregations, which can include hundreds of individuals, especially during feeding times.
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