
Emperor Red Snapper

(Lutjanus sebae)

Lutjanus sebae, commonly known as the Emperor red snapper or the Sebae snapper, is a species of marine fish belonging to the family Lutjanidae. Here are some key characteristics and information about Lutjanus sebae:

  1. Physical Appearance: The Emperor red snapper has a robust and elongated body with a pointed snout. It typically has a reddish-pink to orange-red coloration on the upper body, fading to a lighter pink or white on the belly. Juveniles may have more vibrant colors and patterns, including horizontal stripes along the body. They have a streamlined shape with a deeply forked tail fin.
  2. Size: They can grow to a considerable size, reaching lengths of up to 1 meter (3.3 feet) and weighing over 10 kilograms (22 pounds). Adults are generally larger than juveniles.
  3. Distribution: Lutjanus sebae is found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Its range extends from the eastern coast of Africa, including the Red Sea, to the western Pacific Ocean, including regions such as Indonesia, Australia, and the islands of the western Indian Ocean.
  4. Habitat: Emperor red snappers are typically found in clear, tropical waters around coral reefs, rocky areas, and offshore reefs. They prefer areas with moderate to strong currents and ample hiding places among coral heads, rocks, and crevices. They are known to inhabit deeper waters compared to some other snapper species.
  5. Behavior: These snappers are carnivorous and feed on a variety of prey, including small fish, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. They are active predators that often hunt in schools or loose aggregations, especially during feeding times.