
Chevron Tang

(Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis)

Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis, commonly known as the Chevron Tang, is a species of surgeonfish belonging to the family Acanthuridae. Here are some key characteristics and information about Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis:

  1. Physical Appearance: The Chevron Tang has an elongated body typical of surgeonfish, with a distinct shape and small mouth adapted for grazing on algae. They are generally brown to olive-green in color with a lighter belly. The body is covered in small scales, and they have a characteristic comb-like row of bristle-like teeth in their mouth.
  2. Size: They typically grow to a maximum length of about 20-25 centimeters (8-10 inches).
  3. Distribution: Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and is found in the shallow coastal waters and reef environments around the islands.
  4. Habitat: Chevron Tang surgeonfish are primarily found on coral reefs, where they inhabit areas with abundant algae growth. They are often seen grazing on algae-covered substrates, rocks, and coral formations. They prefer areas with moderate water movement and access to algae-rich feeding grounds.
  5. Behavior: These surgeonfish are herbivorous, feeding mainly on various types of algae, including filamentous algae and microalgae. They play a crucial role in reef ecosystems by helping to control algae growth and contributing to the overall health of coral reefs.